Thank you for your interest in our market research!
We will be happy to answer your questions. We have listed the most frequently asked questions and our answers below. In any case, you can be sure that we do reputable market research and take our industry code seriously.

We are a corporate member of the Professional Association of German Market and Social Researchers (BVM) (BVM)

and thus also support the non-profit Initiative Market and Social Research e.V.
The Market and Social Research Initiative is a joint communications initiative of the industry associations BVM, ADM, ASI and Say Yes to Germany’s Market and Social Research DGOF. As a registered trademark, the signet is the seal of approval for reputable market and social research.
Initiative Market and Social Research e.V.
Consumer information on market and social research is also available on the Initiative’s homepage www.deutsche-marktforscher.de. There you will also find valuable tips on how to distinguish unwanted advertising calls from reputable research.
Professional Association of German Market and Social Researchers e.V.
Information for respondents – Frequently asked questions
Who called me?
2HMforum. is an owner-managed market research and consulting company from Mainz, Germany, founded in 1996. Strategic partner of 2HMforum. is the renowned F.A.Z.-Institut from Frankfurt/Main. The scientific advisory board is made up of Prof. Dr. Achim Burkhardt from the Offenburg University of Applied Sciences and Prof. Dr. Gregor Daschmann from the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. For our studies, we use telephone surveys, online surveys or so-called point-of-sale surveys to collect the opinions of randomly selected persons on various aspects of their daily life, their consumer or voting behavior or their work. We have nothing to do with advertising or direct marketing and we do not want to sell you anything. As a reputable market research company, we are only interested in your opinion in order to obtain research results and new insights. We usually commission TeleMatrix GmbH, also based in Mainz, with our telephone surveys. All data is stored and processed exclusively in Mainz according to the strict German data protection regulations.
Why was I called?
You were selected either within the framework of a representative population study or within the framework of a target group survey (B2C or B2B).
1. You have been contacted within the framework of a representative population study
Since it is not possible to survey the entire population in a survey, a representative portion of the population is systematically selected as a proxy. To ensure that this random sample really reflects the population structure in all its facets (age, gender, origin …), it is desirable that all randomly selected persons participate in the survey.
2. You were selected in the context of a target group survey (B2C or B2B):
You have been selected because you have a business relationship with the client of the study. The client would like to know your opinion in order to better tailor its services to your needs and requirements.
Do I have to take part in the study?
No, you don’t! Your participation is of course voluntary. However, by participating in one of our surveys, you make an important contribution to finding answers to important economic and social questions or to improving the services offered by your service providers and business partners. We would therefore be very pleased to hear from you if you are willing to take part in an interview. If you do not have time for an interview at the moment, we will be happy to arrange a suitable alternative date with you. Of course, we will also inform you in more detail about the background and purpose of the respective study.
What happens to my data?
Your data will be made anonymous. This means that your personal information such as your name or telephone number will be separated from your answers from the interview. The data is only passed on in aggregated form, i.e. in groups. We only need this information to be able to compare different groups (e.g. older and younger people). At no time can conclusions be drawn from the results to your person.
You have further questions? Gladly!
Write us a mail to info@2hmforum.de or call us at: