Have you truly figured out, what your customers really want? What requirements must your product meet in the eyes of your customer? What is the best-selling configuration and the optimum price? Only with this information can you create a desired and successful product and service world. With our support, you can provide tailor-made offers and perfectly meet your customers’ needs!
Customer value-oriented support and a differentiated approach are the keys to success. Reliable data about the customer life cycle, about the demands, wishes and needs of your customers are the core of a customer value-oriented strategy. Thanks to our customer centered consulting experience and research services, you receive a practical and precise overview of product, customer and price!
Our Expertise
2HMforum. For best relations. has over 20 years of experience in evaluating and optimizing customer relationships. We have successfully supported hundreds of companies with customer segmentation, customer value-based support concepts and differentiated retention strategies across the lifecycle phases.
Needs Assessment
Acceptance Tests
Innovation Tests
Sales Drivers and Sales Stoppers
Derivation of Potential
for your company.
Product and service market research
Very good product market research is a key factor in a company’s success.
Sales growth
Companies that conduct very good product market research can increase their sales by an average of 10-20 % because they can respond precisely to the needs and wishes of their customers.
Source: Harvard Business Review
Cost saving
Through targeted product market research, companies can reduce their development costs by up to 50 %, as they already know in advance which products will be successful and which will not.
Source: Forrester Research
Market positioning
Successful product market research enables companies to clearly differentiate themselves from their competitors and achieve a unique positioning in the market. This enables them to retain customers in the long term and tap into new markets
Source: McKinsey & Company
Your contact partner:
Leif Steinbrinker
Managing Partner