Employee Focus Germany

Employee focus: Which industry has the most fans? How many fan employees are there in the public sector? And how many at banks, in hospitals, in schools? Whose fire burns brighter for their company: women or men? Where are the most “company residents”? And why are fans less at risk of burnout? What are the…

Fanfocus Germany

Fanfocus Germany: Who is the best in his industry? How many fans does BMW have? How high is the fan quota at Aldi? Is there emotional customer loyalty at online pharmacies? Which bank is at the top of the popularity ranking? Which industry has the most fans? Who is dominated by their opponents? Fanfocus Germany…

Members to Fans

Members to Fans: The Way to Sustainable Success! Fan members make associations, chambers, clubs, political parties, foundations and NPOs more successful – in more than one way: they are particularly loyal they remain members, even if they do not (or no longer) need services they like to participate and are willing to contribute voluntary work…

Employees to Fans

Employees to fans: The path to sustainable success! Fan employees make companies more economically successful – in more than one way: They are faithful and loyal They are much more motivated for their work They continue their education in their free time as well They recommend the employer’s products and services They recommend the company…

Customers to Fans

Customers to Fans: The Path to Sustainable Success! Fans help companies attain success – in several ways at once: they buy more they buy more often they are less price sensitive they evaluate conditions positively they have the highest contribution margin they are faithful even in bad times they forgive mistakes and they are the…


Contact If you have any questions, our team is at your disposal, please contact us. 2HMforum. For best Relations. is a market research and consulting company based in Mainz. We accompany our clients on the way to more success – with the Fan Principle. We turn your customers into fans, your employees into fans and…