Short-time work, homeschooling, home office and finances: What impact will the pandemic have on people? The Lohnsteuerverein Vereinigte Lohnsteuerhilfe e.V. wanted to know that in detail. And has therefore launched a comprehensive scientific study together with 2HMforum. and the agency KreativRealisten. This helps Germany’s largest income tax assistance association to adapt even better to the needs of its current and future members.
The results of the study have not only given rise to a major cross-media advertising campaign, but also to, among other things, the informative tax podcast “Ask the VLH”. The study analyzed more than 2,700 questionnaires, completed by a representative cross-section of the population. The main topics covered in the survey are short-time work, home office, homeschooling and taxes and financial issues in the pandemic. Results are sorted by men, women and single women. At this website, the study’s findings are presented in an easy-to-understand manner.
Here’s a brief overview of the study and a few graphics for inspiration (In German):
![LST-899x600 Leif Steinbrinker](https://2hmforum.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/LST-899x600.jpg)
Leif Steinbrinker
Managing Partner